Patent Law in Malaysia - Cases and Commentary - 2nd Edition

Patent Law in Malaysia - Cases and Commentary - 2nd Edition

Book Details
  • Publication Date : Sep - 2015
  • Author : Ida Madieha bt Abdul Ghani Azmi & Jeong Chun Phuoc
  • ISBN : 9789670735894
  • Format : Hardcover
  • Country : Malaysia

This book provides a full and authoritative analysis of cases, both local and international, on issues concerning patents, as well as a thorough review of important recent developments in the field of patent law. Structured in 12 chapters, the book is complete with essential and analytical information on patent law. Each topic is introduced by a helpful overview before key cases are presented. These local and international cases on patent law have been carefully selected and are complemented by copious commentaries to elucidate on the wide range of issues that arise. The commentaries which are enlightening, thought-provoking and insightful, assist the reader to have an in-depth and critical understanding of patent law.

  • Careful selection of cases.
  • Clear overview of the law.
  • Analytical commentary of cases.
  • Materials derived from Malaysia and foreign jurisdictions.

Table of Contents

  1. Patent law in Malaysia
  2. Novelty
  3. Inventive step and industrial application
  4. Non-patentable subject matter: Discoveries, scientific theories & mathematical methods 
  5. Non-patentable subject matter: Plant or animal varieties
  6. Non-patentable subject matter: Schemes, rules or methods for doing business, etc.
  7. Non-patentable subject matter: Methods of medical treatment by surgery and therapy, etc.
  8. Infringement of patents
  9. Limitation of rights, exceptions and defences
  10. Employee inventions
  11. Invalidation of patents 
  12. Traditional knowledge