Dynamics of Malaysian Industrial Relations

Dynamics of Malaysian Industrial Relations

Book Details
  • Publication Date : Aug - 2024
  • Author : Nagiah Ramasamy, Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Balakrishnan Muniapan & Vally Senasi
  • ISBN : 9786297527895
  • Format : Softcover + eBook
  • Country : Malaysia

This comprehensive book systematically discusses industrial relations law in Malaysia. This book provides crucial insights and practical knowledge to help industrial relations professionals and students, HR practitioners, or business owners to navigate the legal landscape of workplace relations confidently and manage industrial relations effectively while ensuring compliance with Malaysian laws.

Key features

  • Comprehensive coverage on the fundamental principles and regulations.
  • Practical insights and real-world examples of application of legal concepts.
  • Expert analysis on the latest developments and case law in Malaysian industrial relations.
  • Tailored for professionals and students; a solid basis for legal and non-legal professionals as well as students pursuing industrial relations or employment law.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Industrial Relations Law
  2. Historical Development of Industrial Relations in Malaysia
  3. Key Legislation Governing Industrial Relations
  4. Roles and Functions of Trade Unions
  5. Employer and Employee Rights and Obligations
  6. Collective Bargaining and Agreements
  7. Industrial Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
  8. Case Studies and Practical Applications
  9. Recent Developments and Future Trends
  10. Conclusion and Recommendations
  11. Managing without Trade Unions
  12. Industrial Relations in the Public Sector
  13. Future of Work
  14. Current Issues and Challenges in Industrial Relations